
Posts Tagged ‘lime’

I observed my lime tree this morning, that has been blessing me with an abundant crop of fresh, zesty goodness for months now – the branches may be lighter, but there are still enough fully-grown limes in process of ripening, the promise of more green joy for weeks to come.

and then, this morning, I noticed a flurry of new flowers on the tree – it is already in the throws of creation of the next crop! this ever-giving cycle of life, overlapping and continuous, is the true current of life.

the other thing I discovered in my garden is that if you remove the junk – the weeds, the unwanted stuff – the garden will replace it with the good stuff, beautiful little plants and ground covers mysteriously appear and take their place.

now, if we could only eliminate the junk of our psyches as easily as pulling weeds, imagine what beauty could spring forth….

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